The fortress of Charsianon was located in the Armeniakon theme
Los 2984
Konstantinos, protospatharios and kleisouriarches of Charsianon, 9th century. Seal (Lead, 25 mm, 13.92 g, 12 h). Cruciform monogram ΘЄOTOKЄ BOHΘЄI. In quadrants, TⲰ - CⲰ / Δ૪-ΛⲰ ("Mother of God, help your servant"). Rev. +KⲰNC/TANT ACΠ,/[Θ’ S KΛЄI]C૪P / T, XAPCIAN in four lines. Unpublished in the standard references. A seal mentioning a rare and interesting early military command. Very fine.

From a European collection, formed before 2005.

The fortress of Charsianon was located in the Armeniakon theme (province), but it was organized seperately, first as tourma, and later, in the 9th century, as a kleisoura, under the command of a kleisouriarches. Our seal must date from this period until about 863-873, when the region was elevated to a theme in its own right, assembled from parts of neighboring themes (Cf. DO Seals IV p. 107).
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